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Group 1

When the hunter came, sweat started coming down my face and I tried being quiet. When we made our shelter, we were cutting grass for our bed, it felt like a soft  mattress. We were hammering the wood into the snow and the stick kept falling because we didn't push the stick down goodly. When we were making the hole's on the snow to put the wood through, it was hard to make holes on the snow because there were small stick that didn't stand good. But the tarp was hard to level because the sticks were unleveled. Julianne said, "What if the sticks fall and we might have to remake it."

             Making a harpoon with antlers. Sneaking on a moose and throw the harpoon by its ear so it could die faster. We were hiding behind the bushes so we could get closer to the moose. We aimed its ear and caught it's head and...pow, it fell right down to the ground and slowly died while it was injured. We heard whistling and when it hit the animal it made a "tek" sound. They used to use 30-30 guns to hunt animals. They used to wake up before the sun rises, so they could find the animals easier. Before the animals start walking, they go hunt animals. They used bow and arrows to kill birds. The bow was made out of string and wood. The arrow were made out of wood with ivory. They used homemade spear's, they were made out of deer antlers, and they used them to kill any animal.

Group 2

   The hunt in the future is difficult because the store closed .  Hunting will be challenging in the future without a big store to buy good weapons. "We need to gathered materials (like, woods, guts or intestines to make the strings. It was hard gathering hunting supplies because they weren't hardly animals around the village of Kasigluk, build the arrowheads with metal that we find in the village of Kasigluk it was easy to make arrowheads but difficult to look for the metal") Tony said. Clinton and Bobby pulled out the medal with a pipe that is 5 inches long. Bobby kept moaning when he made yupik traditional harpoon nanu said "BOBBY YOU'LL BE DONE IN NO TIME!" that they learned from elders when we interview them about the past.

       We are going to build a bow and arrow when bobby, and Tony made the bow and arrow the bow was hard to bend because we might starve and black fish traps with woods that larry, and I gathered like beaver gathering woods. We'll wrap the traps with string, bobby, and Tony can go through abandoned houses to look for strings. The clouds were balls of cotton. Now I know how to make a traditional weapons without help. 

Group 3


We were trying to build a shelter but we couldn't find good materials to use. When Kalila went to go get some woods for our shelter. First, I had to cut woods like, a strong man cutting woods and I had to put them up and my partner went to get the tarp. While my partner went to get some tarp.  Second, I had to make a fire to get warm while the woods were dancing. While I was making fire I heard whispering and I went to go find my partner but I couldn't find him and I didn't know where he went and I had to be alone then, as I waited for my partner to be back with the tarp she brought the tarp was old and moldy tarp "why is it moldy?" Said her friend "I just got it from over there" she replied we had to use it to sleep in it and we headed to bed after we made our shelter. For instance, I Wanted to go for a ride I'm going for a short ride" I said, When I went to go hunting for seal with boat at the big ocean I took a ride around  and after a while I went for short ride and there I seen  seal's while the water was bouncing, I had to go after the seal and kill it and I had only two second to kill it. When I threw the harpoon the harpoon made a whistling sound. After, we killed the seal we brought it to my gram and she got very happy.



Group 4

        Today is May 5, 2121 mean while,Vanessa, Barbie, Nikolai, and I are  super hungry then Jayden kept saying that "he remembered that he knows how to make food with fire, and we need to know how to survive. After a while,Vanessa said " hurry I'm hungry" therefore,  suddenly Jayden said "i'll be done in no time." We had remembered what Gabe Charles had said. They had to use old paper  shells in the gun's. Additionally, they would use old worn snowmobiles to go hunt animals and go traveling. Also, when their shell's get wet they would have no more shell's because they were made out of paper. We saw a bunny poop. Most of the time they would use dogs for transportation.  They had to use something to kill animal to eat,by killing them with the gun's. We are trying to build a bow and arrow so we can eat animals before starvation happens to us, they  reuse ammo but if it's wet they wouldn't reuse them again. After, we saw water we went to make a small brown raft. Then we went to set a scary snare on a wood  by the poops because it kept going there. In addition there  was lots of poop around snear.                                              


             Today is may 10 2121 therefore, we are still looking for animals that are crying because they don't want to be dead. They would use dogs for transportation in the winter. They used to use shotgun that shoot papers. In the past they would use an old paper gun but the gun was real. Now we have caught 15 birds, and 5 muskrats.

We use bows to kill the birds while they were landed and we saw the muskrat. 



Group 6

In the past we didn't know how to make Yupik traditional weapons.So, we went to go ask elders how they make them. Therefore, we went to go check out the materials what they used to make out of woods. Hannah and I went to go let jr and Teddy go make spear's or what they need for hunting. So  me and Hannah were gathering  jr's and teddy's materials for bow and arrows.  But, Teddy was making the most popular weapon. And jr was helping him.

Week 2 Journals 

How did you use hunting to survive?

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